Grillbox Peri Peri

1 Dashwood Ave, High Wycombe HP12 3DN

Menu Grillbox Peri Peri High Wycombe

If you live in Wycombe or its nearby areas and planning to entertain your family and friends at some special occasion then you must be looking for a quality restaurant in this city. We at GRILLBOX PERI PERI CHICKEN offer restaurant services in Wycombe. You must have a close look at our menu to help you in planning your list of options for that occasion. Our menu starts with a variety of Kids Meals followed by Dips to choose from as per your requirements. Next, you can find a few Drinks and Shakes on our menu to satisfy the thirst of your guests in a healthy manner. In the following section of our menu, you can find various types of dishes of Fried Chicken, Wings, and Chicken Nuggets to shortlist a few for a special event of your life. You can also pick from our Veggie and Other Dishes to make your order more attractive for your guests. Before serving you Desserts we also offer a variety of Fried Chicken Meals, Family Meals, Peri-Peri Meals, and Platters to give a complete shape to your order.




About Grillbox Peri Peri High Wycombe

Grillbox Peri Peri is a popular chicken restaurant in Wycombe. We have searched a lot to find the suppliers of the best ingredients and methods to prepare our dishes when we were planning to open this restaurant. Another reason for the increasing popularity of our restaurant is the facility provided by us to our customers. We have launched our APP in recent times through GOOGLE PLAY and APP STORE to help our customers to place their orders by using their mobile devices. It will allow people working on-site to collect their order while returning to their office or home and enjoy it with their family and friends.

Restaurant location Grillbox Peri Peri High Wycombe

If you are looking for a chicken restaurant in Wycombe the finding Grillbox Peri Peri is not very difficult. It is located at a prime location in this city at 1 DASHWOOD AVE HIGH WYCOMBE HP12 3DN. Any public or private means of transportation can help you to find us easily in this city. The quality of our preparations has made us popular in this area so that anyone living or working in this region can help you to find us if you are new to this area. You can also use online maps to find us if you are driving your car to collect your order.

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